Statement from CSEA Regarding Layoffs in Onondaga County


First and foremost, we want everyone to realize that we understand we are in unprecedented times. We are also experiencing a financial crisis that could have been avoided had our Federal leaders stepped up and did what was necessary to ensure the safety of human lives OVER economic impact and political games. There are ways to address both.

The majority of our members have continued to work during this pandemic and deploy essential services to the community. These are the people that will be impacted the most if layoffs of our members happens.  We have been expected to continue life as is while watching those around us suffer from losing jobs, health insurance, and for some, even their lives. We cannot imagine if those same people were affected by the potential lack of services they need from Onondaga County, making it more difficult during an already painful time.

We are currently providing these services with limited staff due to previous administrations lack of proper and efficient management. This has bled our County in more ways than people realize. It not only impacted our budget, but also the cost of health insurance over time.

We have more management staff than ever before. We do NOT want to advocate for the loss of any jobs, but we need to express how much more severely impacted our community would be if it comes from the rank and file instead of people who are left from a previous administration whose actual job duties are not conducive to ethical and efficient use of taxpayer dollars.

What we need is an engaged County Legislature and community to pay attention to what is going on. Not to those in administration, but those on the ground, providing these services and living this reality.  We have seen how much pain and suffering there is. We are dealing with a community suffering from immense trauma. If the services our communities need to survive are affected, the impact will be immense and the communities will be the ones who suffer.

This layoff proposal is being presented at the legislature meeting tomorrow at 1 PM. Please consider calling your legislator and telling them to find their cuts and savings elsewhere.

You can find your legislator here: