Required OFFICER TRAININGS scheduled
We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, our union has scheduled a number of virtual trainings. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold.
To register, contact the Region 5 Office: (800) 559-7975 and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.
President/Vice President Trainings: (Deadline to register is January 12)
- January 18 & 19 – 6 to 7:30 pm (First-time attending, All Sectors)
- January 25 & 26 – 10 to 11:30 am (Previously trained, All Sectors)
Secretary Trainings:
- January 11 – 5 to 7 pm
- January 19 – 5 to 7 pm
- January 21 – 12 to 2 pm
- January 25 – 5 to 7 pm
Treasurer Trainings: (Deadline to register is January 12)
- January 19 – 5 to 8 pm
- January 20 – 10 am to 1 pm