The 7 Tests of Just Cause
In this webinar, you will learn about the seven tests management must meet in order to discipline an employee. This will be especially useful for members who have already taken a Discipline and Interrogation workshop from the Education and Training department. Attendance of this workshop does not meet officers’ and discipline representatives’ Discipline & Interrogation training requirement.
This workshop is open to All CSEA Members. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this workshop if attending during their normal work hours.
October 6, 2021- 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
To Register: https://memberlink.cseany.org/Event.axd?e=311
Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations
Do you know your rights in a disciplinary investigation? Want to make sure your co-workers don’t get railroaded in an interrogation? Every day, CSEA discipline representatives educate and advocate for their co-workers. In this two-part webinar, you will learn about your discipline procedure, your rights, and how to effectively represent your co-workers. This workshop meets Local and Unit officers’ disciplinary training requirement.
This workshop is for ALL Local Government, NYS Authorities and Canals bargaining unit officers and activists who want to represent members in disciplinary matters. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this workshop if attending during their normal work hours.
October 6-7, 2021** – 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
To Register: https://memberlink.cseany.org/Event.axd?e=313
** must attend both nights
Weingarten Rights: What You Need to Know
In this brief webinar, you will learn about how to protect and enforce your right (known as Weingarten rights) to union representation when faced with an investigatory interview. An investigatory interview occurs when a supervisor questions an employee to obtain information that could be used as a basis for discipline or when a supervisor asks an employee to defend her or his conduct. Attendance of this workshop does not meet officers’ and discipline representatives’ Discipline & Interrogation training requirement.
This workshop is Open to all CSEA members. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this workshop if attending during their normal work hours.
October 7, 2021 – 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
To Register: https://memberlink.cseany.org/Event.axd?e=315
Advanced Grievance: Power in Numbers
Want to identify issues that present organizing opportunities and plan strategic campaigns that use escalating tactics to pressure management into improving the workplace. This workshop will cover the importance of one-on-one conversations, small meetings, and rank-and-file activism in establishing the foundation of a thriving union. Completion of this workshop does not comply with the grievance representation training requirement as outlined in the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions’ Article V, Section 6.
This workshop is for All CSEA Local/Unit Officers or Grievance Representatives who have experience in handling grievances and other violations in the workplace. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this workshop if attending during their normal work hours.
October 12-13, 2021** – 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
To Register: https://memberlink.cseany.org/Event.axd?e=316
** must attend both nights
Our union is strongest when our members come together, ready to fight for what’s right. Every day, CSEA stewards make this happen at worksites throughout the state. In this two-part workshop, you will learn more about our union and how stewards build power by organizing, educating, and communicating with coworkers.
This workshop is for All CSEA Members who want to build a stronger union. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this workshop if attending during their normal work hours.
October 12-13, 2021** – 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
To Register: https://memberlink.cseany.org/Event.axd?e=314
** must attend both nights
Duty of Fair Representation
In this brief webinar, you will learn about The Duty of Fair Representation (DFR), the legal obligation of a union to fairly represent all workers in a bargaining unit whether they are members or not. This workshop will explain the CSEA activists’ obligation to fairly represent all members of a bargaining unit. This training is geared specifically for CSEA grievance and discipline representatives but is accessible to all members. Attendance of this workshop does not meet any training requirement for officers, grievance representatives, or discipline representatives.
This workshop is Open to all CSEA members. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this workshop if attending during their normal work hours.
October 14, 2021 – 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
To Register: https://memberlink.cseany.org/Event.axd?e=317