CSEA has reviewed this guidance for members interacting with the public and has interpreted it to mean to impact any member that is interacting with any person other than another employee (eg. client, inmate, individual etc).
- These face coverings may, per the guidance, be “cloth (e.g. homemade sewn, quick cut, bandana), surgical masks, N-95 respirators, and face shields”.
- The mask’s primary purpose is to protect the public from the wearer; surgical / procedural / cloth type masks, only provide minimal protection for our members wearing this type mask.
- Face covering is not a substitution for proper distancing or other guidance put in place.
- This is not a substitution for protection when having direct contact with a COVID-19 case.
- This is not a substitution for proper respiratory protection, when otherwise required.
If we find that employers are not following this / not providing masks, please let CSEA leadership know. This is enforceable by local officials and Department of Labor.